The School was founded in the year 2000 under the ageis of Brij Behari Sahai Education Society having eminent members from various sections of administrative, technical, medical, entrepreneurial background with a view to provide a round training to the children in their early, formative years and to help in channeling their creative energy in the right direction. And since then it has been constantly improving on all fronts.
Education is the pursuit of truth, transforming of knowledge into wisdom. It is a process of caring, nurturing and developing minds and talents. A good educational system must be able to promote activity, co-operation, interaction, diversity and responsibility Read More
The divine or righteous action of imparting education is supposed to be based on righteous insight and prognosis in order to satisfy the demand of the time and expectant or desirous souls. The continuous process of education must be guided by the principles and objectives of spiritualism, materialism, selflessness, devotion and above all life. Read More
A comprehensive panoramic cogent cogitation impels to express my gratitude and reverence to the supernatural invisible divinity who has rewarded the role of proliferating knowledge, instructions, directions, preaching, teaching and sharing views or opinions by adopting mutuality in space-time continuum as harbinger or source of dissipating Read More